How to pass value from string array to Select statement?
I have a List and there I have stored customerNo from database like this
List<string[]> _customerDetails = new List<string[]>();
while (readerCus.Read())
string[] fields = new string[2];
fields[0] = readerCus["Customer"].ToString();
Inside a foreach I need to get this "Customer" no one by one and pass it to SQL select statement.
foreach (string[] fields in _customerDetails)
string cusId = fields[0];
using (SqlConnection con2 = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers WHERE Customer = '" + fields[0].ToString() + "'", con2))
using (SqlDataReader reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader())
while (reader2.Read())
//My code and here I am generating a token for customer
My issue is all the time it runs one time and generate a token.Not continuing and not completing all available customers (say 1000 customers).Any one can point me how can I loop through all customers one by one.