
How to put a variable in the Properties.Resources."image" line.

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Todd Vance

Todd Vance

Hey all,
Last night I was asking how best to add a resource and was given this good advice
"By adding the image files to your resources, you can limit the code needed to display the image to something like this:
pbxCard.Image = Properties.Resources

But my issue I have now is that I wanted to fill these boxes with Random images chosen by an array.

In other words I want something like pbxCard1 to be the myDeck.cards[0].ToString + ".jpg" image.

By adding my images to the resources like I was told all my images which were named 1 and 2 and 3.jpg (etc.) get their names changed to _1 and _2 and _3  -- so I somehow need to get the number out of the array and then concatenate it to the end.

NOW I KNEW THIS wouldn't work -

pile1image1.Image = Properties.Resources._ + mydeck.card[0].ToString;

but it is in essence what I want to do -- can someone tell me how to do it?

ALSO I cant do this:

string image1 = "Properties.Resources._" + myDeck.cards[0];

because when I try and place it into the pile1image1.Image = image1 line - it tells me that I cannot convert a string to an image.... help???

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