How to read word document in C# while uploading the file?
My code:
In my project i am uploading various files. while i am uploading i want to read the text of the word document and save in to db.
here i am done oly for text files ....So help me how to write the code to save word text in db...while i am uploading
protected void cmdAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//if (getoid() != "")
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring);
string filename = txtFileUpload.FileName;
//string size=txtFileUpload.FileBytes);//.ToString();
int size1= txtFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength;
int size = size1 / 1024;
txtFileUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("uploads/" + filename));
string fname = Path.GetFileName(filename);
//string myDateTime=demo1.Text;
//DateTime myDateTime = DateTime.Parse(myDate);
string query = string.Empty;
//string res = DropDownList1.SelectedItem as string;
string extn = Path.GetExtension(filename);
string key = keyword1.Text;
if (extn.Equals(".txt"))
TextReader tr = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("uploads/" + filename));
query = "declare @ret varchar(100) INSERT INTO Fileupload([ref_id],[category],[subcategory],[uid],[oid],[up_name],[demo1],
[keyword],[fdata],[aflag],sizebyte) VALUES('" + ViewState["id"].ToString() + "','" + dropcategory.SelectedItem + "','" +
DropDownList1.SelectedItem + "','" + Session["user_id"].ToString() + "','" + txtOwnerId.SelectedItem + "','" + fname + "',getdate(),'" + key +
"','" + tr.ReadToEnd().TrimEnd() + "',1,'" + size + "') select @ret=ref_id from Fileupload select @ret ";
// create reader & open file
query = @" declare @ret varchar(100) INSERT INTO Fileupload
('" + ViewState["id"].ToString() + "','" + dropcategory.SelectedItem + "','" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem + "','" +
Session["user_id"].ToString() + "','" + txtOwnerId.SelectedItem + "','" + fname + "','" + key + "',getdate(),1,'" + size + "') select @ret=ref_id
from Fileupload select @ret ";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
string getval= cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
Page.RegisterStartupScript("onclick", "<script>alert('uploads successfully.. ref_id=" + getval + "')</script>");