I am building my first application for windows phone 7 where i have a form with the following text fields and 1 radio button. The name of the textfields in the form is: name, age, sadd, cadd, eadd, phn, zip. The xaml code for the radio button is:
<TextBlock Canvas.Left="20" Canvas.Top="157" Height="44" Name="gen" Text="Gender" Width="134" />
<RadioButton Canvas.Left="139" Canvas.Top="157" FontStyle="Italic" GroupName="Gender" Foreground="Black" Content="Male" Height="71" Name="male" Width="154" />
<RadioButton Canvas.Left="139" Canvas.Top="207" FontStyle="Italic" GroupName="Gender" Foreground="Black" Content="Female" Height="71" Name="fem" Width="140" />
Now i want to send these data on clicking the submit button to a webmethod "registertoteam" in the following webservice:
The method contains the following fields: name, street_address, city_address, zip_code, phone_no, email_address, age, gender.
I know how to call a web service. Previously i have done on showing data from web service in my application. Now i want to send the values from the form to the web method:
I have written the following code so far:
private void submit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (name.Text == String.Empty)
MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the name");
var svc = new KejriwalService.aapSoapClient();
svc.registerToTeamAsync(name.Text, sadd.Text, cadd.Text, zip.Text, eadd.Text, phn.Text, age.Text);
The else part is not working. Please someone help me by editing my code in the else part so that the data gets submitted on clicking the submit button