
How to show current user data after login using asp.net c#

I create two table registeration table and profileinfo table.First user register himself and after when they login then they fill his profile data using editinfo hyperlink and then it goes into editinfo.aspx page from there he/she can fill his personal data and that data save in profileinfo table.
When user login next time then his personal profile data should be shown in profile page in detailsview control for that user.
How to show current login user data from profile table into profile page in detailsview and if he/she wants to update his profile then there is updateinfo hyperlink which goes in updateinfo .aspx page and there is gridview control from there he can update his data for that user only.
And how to avoid insertion of blank data into database. 
I have attach the Code and database backup of this project.Please find the attachment 
Please guide me stepwise and in details.

Attachment: Project.rar

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