
How to update an image in the folder using c#.net

Praveen Kumar

Praveen Kumar


Hi friends,

I have been developing a windows app which is related to student details administration, in which what i have done is i've create a form named "Add Student" where i will add all the details of the student (like name, id, address....) which also includes his image through a picture box. While saving i have coded so that all the info will be saved into an ms access database except image because of size limitations of access (ms access database limitation is only 2 GB). In this i have also added a form so that any student info can be edited. Here what i am doing is i am retrieving the particular student info from access and assigning each and every detail to the edit form which also included a pic box (Here pic will be assigned from the folder where it is stored earlier).  I think you've got my application functionality right.

Now what my actual problem is, when the user wants to edit the pic, he will selects another by browsing, then the picture he selected should be replaced with the latest one but the name of the picture should remain same in the folder (Here i have written code so that the picture name will be the student Id to identify uniquely) now when i click the save button, i am getting an error

 "CLS10A14.JPG' because it is being used by another process"

 I think this is because i am displaying the image in the picture box initially and trying to edit it with the new one he selected.....

Here is the code snippets: To display details initially i have written like this:

 DataTable dtInfo = dcs.getTable();
 drow = dtInfo.Rows[0];
 lblStudentId.Text = drow["StudentId"].ToString();
 txtName.Text = drow["Name"].ToString();
 cbClass.SelectedValue = drow["Class"];
 cbSection.SelectedValue = drow["Section"];
  pbImage.Image = Image.FromFile(Application.StartupPath + "\\Images\\"+ drow["image_path"].ToString());

it worked properly and displaying all info without any problem. Now the user can change the image and clicks on save button
now i've written code like this

string updateQuery = "update StudentInformation set [Name] = '" + txtName.Text
                                                                                + "',[Class] = '" + cbClass.SelectedValue
                                                                                + "',[Section] = '" + cbSection.SelectedValue
                                                                                + "',[image_path] = '" + txtImagePath.Text
                                                                                + "' where [StudentId] = '" + cbStudentId.SelectedItem.ToString() + "'";

But here i have nothing to do with this query as i have already executed it without any problem but after this i have to update the image in the images folder with the new image but with the same name it has earlier (i mean if the older image has a name like CLS10A14.JPG i want to delete it first and copy the new image with the same name which is CLS10A1.JPG)

I have written code like this to achieve this but got the error told in the beginning....

cmd = new OleDbCommand(updateQuery, con);
                    da.UpdateCommand = cmd;
                    int n = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    if (n == 1)
                            File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "\\Images\\" + txtImagePath.Text);
                            string newPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Images\\" + txtImagePath.Text;
                            File.Copy(imagename, newPath);
                            //File.Replace(imagename, newPath, cbStudentId.SelectedItem.ToString());

Actually my application is a Windows Application

 Please help anybody knows solution for it thanks in advance....

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