I have a C Language dll file with a .h and .lib file. I want to use the functions which is in this dll file. But as the dll is written in C, the code in dll is unmanaged. But i got some sucess to crack some functions.
But the function below i haven't find any solution.
Function in dll
PeripheralStatus(HWND hwnd, unsigned char *SenseKey, unsigned char *SensorStatus);
hWnd - Handle of the application windows which will receive the notification messages.
SenseKey - Pointer to a byte variable that will contain the sense key status.
SensorStatus - Pointer to a four bytes variable that will contain 16 bytes of sensor status.
Code in VB.Net Program
"CFunc.dll")> _
Public Function PeripheralStatus( ByVal hWnd As IntPtr , ByRef SenseKey As Byte , ByRef StatusByte As Byte ) As Integer
End Function
I Use this function on a Button Click Event
Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sensekey As Byte
Dim statuskey As Byte
PeripheralStatus(IntPtr.Zero, sensekey, statuskey)
MsgBox(sensekey &
" " & statuskey)
End Sub
In sensekey it return 0 Which means Peripheral is Ok
In statuskey it returns 64 which is 40 in HexaDecimal. But this is only first Byte.
Three Bytes more it should return but I don't know how it will return.
Please help me. If any querys please forward me.