
html controls in asp.net code-behind

hi im making a website in asp.net for a project. im also learning myself jquery on my own. Now i have a problem with linking the jquery with the asp controls but it works when i use html controls. i dint know how to code in asp "<script>" tags, but i can in the code-behind which is c# and im familiar with that. i googled and saw that all i need to add in the html control was "runat="server", i did that and the jquery works fine but now im forced to code in the "<script>" tag.

i must do an insert, delete, update query for my site so i have to code the button to perform those actions. (thats the only way i know how)

i also saw that using an html textbox and an asp button can work by putting in the code behind this" request[txt]" thats if my html control is "<input type="text" name="txt"/>


can someone please help me...



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