
I am getting error "Illegal Characters in the Path"

K S Reddi Prasad

K S Reddi Prasad


Hi all,

 I am getting the Error "Illegal characters in the Path". Cyrrently i am storing xmlData from the xml file present in the server in a string and passed to the Load method of XElement. Plz find the follwing code.

 XElement Messages = XElement.Load(messagesFile);

 where messagesFile is a string holding the Xml data from the server. and after that i am writing the following code.

var MessageList = from Message in Messages.Elements()where string.Equals((string)Message.Attribute("ID"), MessageId[counter], StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)orderby (string)Message.Element("MessageId"

MessageId = (string)Message.Attribute("ID"),
MessageDescription = Message.Element("MessageDescription").Value,
MessageType = Message.Element("MessageType").Value,
MessageSource = Message.Element=("MessageSource").Value

In the code posted above, I am getting the Error" Illegeal Characters in the Path " near the Highlighted area.
Please Help me in solving this.

Thanks & Regards,
K.S. R. Prasad.


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