I have been asked to create to application to support sales and marketing fun of company that manufactures and sales computer server cabinets.as a part of application you will create server database tht will support recording sales transaction.as a proof of concept you will create some sample forms and quries that will demonstrate how this web application might be fun as decision support system for sales and marketing department.
step 1:create table
product table(product no.(int)primary key
customer(cust no.(int)primary
customer name varchar
address varchar
zipcode varchar
phone var
email var
order no.(int)primary
customer no( fk)
product no.(pk)
sales amount (double)
order date (date)
sales type(varchar)
payament type varchar
card type
card no.
expiry date
enter appropriate data into tables
create forms:
create queries
sales and marketing depart would like to these data use data for purpose querying db in order to get answers to spcific questions
such as 1.list customer info for all cust in nasik
2.list customer info.for customers who purchase 3 story cabinets
3.list customers who purchase cabinet using passport credit card
4.create reports
after u have enter data in 3 tables and queries. create reports for displaying tables and queries.reports are designed to be used and viewed by other users hence they must be informative.use formatting tools and be creative