
I have more question on the use of "paramDateTime.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original"? {UPDATED POST}

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petre ricardo

petre ricardo


In my application i need to handle concurrencies:
in DAL i have writtent the following code to retreive a dataset that has a row of data.
The last column of the row is LastUpdatedTime (DateTime)


public DataSet GetARecord(int index)
 //code for output parameter of a stored procedure
 //stored procedure returnex EmpIdex(PK), Name, address, LastUpdatedTime(old Time)
 //code to store the LastUpdatedTime

 da.Fill(ds, "Employee");
 return ds;

To store the last updated time, I have added the following line in the GetARecord(int):


public DataSet GetARecord(int index)
 //code for output parameter of a stored procedure

 //I have to store the LastUpdatedTime: "paramDateTime" is SQLParameter declared globally
        paramDateTime = da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@PUpdatedTimeOLD", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8, "UpdatedTime");
        paramDateTime.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

 return ds;

However, i found the

paramDateTime = da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add("@PUpdatedTimeOLD", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8, 
paramDateTime.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original;

from an article, according to it this stores the original value of updateTime. But when put a break point and check
for the value that is stored in the, shows null value.

I have added an "void Update(DataSet ds)" to make updates to the table,

public void UpdateEmployee(DataSet ds)
 //write code to add parameters, EmpIndex(PK), Name, Address, LastUpdateTime(Old Time)
 //calling DataAdapter's update()

In the above updateEmployee() method, i need to extract value in each column through the Dataset, so i can assign
values to update parameters....
How do i do it?

Here is the article that shows how to do optimistic concurrency based on column values (not dates) . i have made the modification to handle Concurrency based on dates