public OdbcDataReader SelectDataReader(string connString,string Columns,string TableName,string Filters, string OrderBy) {
OdbcDataReader MyReader; System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection odbcConn = new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection(connString); string strSQL; strSQL="SELECT " + Columns + " "; strSQL+="FROM " + TableName + " ";
if (Filters.Length!=0) { strSQL+="WHERE " + Filters + " "; }
if (OrderBy.Length!=0) { if (OrderBy.StartsWith("LIMIT 0,")) strSQL+=OrderBy + " "; else strSQL+="ORDER BY " + OrderBy + " "; } System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand odbcCommand = new System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand(strSQL); odbcCommand.Connection=odbcConn; odbcCommand.Connection.Open(); try { MyReader=odbcCommand.ExecuteReader(); return MyReader; } catch(Exception exc)
{ throw exc; }
this is where i am calling the method
private DataSet CreatePostDataTable(int type) {
string sRequestID = Request.QueryString["rID"].ToString(); DataSet myDs = new DataSet(); string sSQL = ""; sSQL = " CONCAT('<a class=hyperlinksBlue href=''#''''../default.aspx?tID=',topicID,'&rID=', RequestID,'''',',''myWindow''',',''width=600,height=600,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes''',')>',Subject , '</a> <i>',username,'</i> <font color=''#a9a9a9''>',' on ',DATE_FORMAT(createdate, '%m/%d/%Y'),'</font>') as topics "; myDs = daData.SelectDataODBC(Session["connITRequest"].ToString(),sSQL,"tbltopic","(type='"+type+"') and (requestID="+sRequestID+")","topicID desc");
for (int i =0; i < myDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) {
//get the topic ID first. string sTopicID = myDs.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString(); int Beg=sTopicID.IndexOf("?tID=") + 5 ; sTopicID=sTopicID.Substring(Beg); int End=sTopicID.IndexOf("rID=") - 1; sTopicID=sTopicID.Substring(0,End); //Find the total number of posts. (Topic (posts) on main page) MyNewReader= SelectDataReader(Session["connITRequest"].ToString(),"Count(*) as Replies","tblpost","topicID="+sTopicID,"topicID desc");
} return myDs;
i am calling the method above and i need help. as you see i am picking up the id from the dataset and passing it to the method and looping through and calling it according to the dataset. is there a way to move the reader to the next position to add the value again to it. it is only picking up the last values but i need it to add every value to the reader. should i use an array to call or any ideas would help. thanks
here is where i am calling it everytime but i need to store all values but it is storing the last one of course, once the first one is stored i need to move the position to next, any ideas? thanks in advance
MyNewReader= SelectDataReader(Session["connITRequest"].ToString(),"Count(*) as Replies","tblpost","topicID="+sTopicID,"topicID desc"); | |