Insert into database through loop
I am using with c#
I have a confusion.see the below code.
while (itr.MoveNext()) //this loop will rotate 26 time coz the value of itr is 26
Hashtable quote = ((Hashtable)(itr.Current));
Response.Write(("Quote Symbol:" + quote["symbol"]));
Response.Write(("Title:" + quote["title"])); //1
Response.Write(("Time:" + quote["time"]));
if ((fxfeed.getInterval() == 1))
if (fxfeed.getPrice().Equals("bid,ask"))
Response.Write(("Bid:" + quote["bid"]));
Response.Write(("Ask:" + quote["ask"]));
Response.Write(("Price:" + quote["price"]));
Response.Write(("Open:" + quote["open"])); //2
Response.Write(("High:" + quote["high"])); //3
Response.Write(("Low:" + quote["low"])); //4
Response.Write(("Close:" + quote["close"])); //5
as i commented that the while loop will rotate 26 times. so each time lines which are represented by number comments(//1,//2 etc) these will be printed on screen. it means the at the completion of the while loop 107 values will be printed(which are represented by comments numbers). i have a database and want to store those 107 values in 107 cols in a database table. so can somebody please tell me where to put the sql command to insert the data and what do i need to write in that command. please help me.