Insert TBX Values and Popup Values to DB Passing Single ID
I Am going to add some values from add page on that same page i have popup through that popup also adding some values but what i need is popup added values and add page values must pass in to database and save by using single id
when i Retrieve based on that id i need to get add page values and along with popup values also in Repeater.
For Example:
I have to Insert These Fields in ADD Page Name,Age,Gender,Qualification, "Popup Field (In That Username,Password) " Will Be there. My Requirement is Username and Password Need to Insert Values through Popup, those Values and ADD Page Values Must Insert into Database. By Passing only Single ID.
Name Age Gender Qualification User / Pass (Pop Up)
xxxx 25 M B.Tech yyyyy / yyyyy
zzzz 23 F B.Tech ggggg / ggggg
Technologies Used By Me :
Front End : ASP.NET 4.0 C#
Back End :Oracle