SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conPath);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("School.usp_GetSchoolName", con);
SQL 2005
-StoreProcedure : I have schema named School and usp_GetSchoolName is saved like this.
Here is my problem -
I have put about 44 StoreProcedures inside this new container called School Schema. In my ADO.NET ((data access tier) I am passing storeprocedureName and Connection information without SchemaName. When I do this it says storeprocedure is not found. If I go and supply the School.usp_GetSchoolName then it works. I do not feel it is a right practice to supply schemaName in every storeprocedure in ADO.NET. Does anyone have any suggestions? My storeprocedures are divided into many schemas such as School, Student, Administrative, Sports.