is there any alternative for Any keywork in .net
I have migrated ActiveX (VB6) project in .net (.exe type project) Is it right ?
after migration I am getting some errors
1- For VarPtr (vb6 function) any alternate function in .net
2- In my application used CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" with paratmeter any.
I tried by replacign any with object not working.
3- One structure is there and passing object of structure to CopyMemory function
Public Structure udtGUID
Dim Data1 As Integer
Dim Data2 As Short
Dim Data3 As Short
<VBFixedArray(7)> Dim Data4() As Byte
Public Sub Initialize()
ReDim Data4(7)
End Sub
End Structure
Dim rClsId As udtGUID
CopyMemory(rClsId, riid, Len(rClsId))
Is there any alternative for CopyMemory in .net