
Is this a good time to get C# and .Net 2.0 certifications?...

Hi friends, this is my first post in this forum.

I'm thinking in buying some C# and .Net 2.0 books, basically a Wrox Box that includes 4 books(C#,  ASP.NET, Framework, etc) to prepare myself in order to take some certifications exams.
Now, my concern is that .NET 3.0 and VS 2008 are comming and probably the 2.0 certifications will be obsolete very soon.
Should I spend my money getting these books?..Should I directly buy Net 3.0 books?...Will  these .Net 3.0 books be helpfull even if I want to do .Net 2.0 examinations since the 3.0 are not still available?

Any help is appreciated, even if it is for sugesting any particular books for the examinations.

Thanks a lot
Answers (3)