I am writing a query in LINQ, but having issues getting correct record from database. When I execute LINQ query, I get duplicate records. Please see below records with duplicate results:
- ServerName ResourceGroup Env EndPointURL VIP
- Server1 Test AppFabric DEV www.testapp.com
- Server1 Test AppFabric DEV www.testappui.com
- Server2 Test AppFabric DEV www.testapp.com
- Server2 Test AppFabric DEV www.testappui.com
- Server3 Test AppFabric UI DEV www.testapp.com
- Server3 Test AppFabric UI DEV www.testappui.com
- Server4 Test AppFabric UI DEV www.testapp.com
- Server4 Test AppFabric UI DEV www.testappui.com
- Server5 Test AppFabric INT NULL NULL
- server6 Test AppFabric INT NULL NULL
Here is the query I am using in my ASPT.NET Core application:
- var query = from rg in _context.ResourceGroup
- join sr in _context.ServersResourceGroup on rg.Id equals sr.ResourceGroup_id
- join rge in _context.ResourceGroupEnvironment on sr.Environment_id equals rge.Environment_id into lrges
- from lrge in lrges.Where(r => r.ResourceGroup_id == rg.Id).DefaultIfEmpty()
- join s in _context.Servers on sr.Server_id equals s.Id
- join e in _context.Environments on sr.Environment_id equals e.Id
- join a in _context.Applications on rg.Application_Id equals a.Id
- join d in _context.Domains on s.Domain_Id equals d.Id
- join t in _context.Types on rg.Type_Id equals t.Id
- join o in _context.OperatingSystems on s.OperatingSystem_Id equals o.Id
- join n in _context.NetworkZones on s.NetworkZone_Id equals n.Id
- join stat in _context.Status on s.Status.Id equals stat.Id
- where a.Name.ToLower() == applicationName.ToLower()
- select new SearchListViewModel()
- {
- serverId = s.Id,
- serverName = s.ServerName,
- aliasName = s.Alias,
- domain = d.Name,
- environmentName = e.Name,
- network = n.Name,
- os = o.OSVersion,
- ipAddress = s.IPAddress,
- vip = lrge == null ? string.Empty : lrge.VIP,
- url = lrge == null ? string.Empty : lrge.EndPointURL,
- typeName = t.Name,
- applicationName = a.Name,
- resourceName = rg.Name,
- status = stat.Name
- };
- return query.ToList();
Also, here is the native SQL query that just works fine.
- SELECT s.ServerName, rg.Name as ResourceGroup, e.Name as Env,
- rge.EndPointURL, rge.VIP
- FROM ResourceGroup as rg
- JOIN ServersResourceGroup as srg on rg.Id = srg.ResourceGroup_id
- JOIN Servers as s on srg.Server_id = s.Id
- JOIN Environments as e on srg.Environment_id = e.Id
- LEFT JOIN ResourceGroupEnvironment as rge on srg.Environment_id = rge.Environment_id and rg.Id = rge.ResourceGroup_Id
Not sure if my LINQ query is wrong, but I am trying to accomplish above native query in LINQ,
Here is the linq to entity model http://www.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Attachment19610.aspx
Any help is really appreciated.
Thank you,