Can anyone please provide me the support to display the number of Events per day using JavaScriptFullCalendar (
- <div class="row fif-padding">
- <div class="calendar-wrap">
- <div id='calendar'></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <script>
- $(document).ready(function () {
- debugger;
- var events = [];
- debugger;
- $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- url: $("#hdnAppPath").val()+"/MobileHome/CalendarMarkUp",
- success: function (eventdata) {
- $.each(eventdata, function (i, v) {
- events.push({
- title: v.Subject,
- start: moment(v.StartTime),
- end: moment(v.EndTime),
- id:v.Id
- });
- });
- GenerateCalendar(events);
- },
- error: function (error) {
- alert('failed');
- }
- });
- function GenerateCalendar(events) {
- debugger;
- $('#calendar').fullCalendar('destroy');
- $('#calendar').fullCalendar({
- header: {
- left: 'prev',
- center: 'title',
- right: 'next'
- },
- })
- }
- });
- </script>