
Jquery ajax calls in MVC

aditya immadi

aditya immadi

8 years ago
Hai all , i wrote this lines for updating users
url: '/Admin/UpdateUser',
type: "POST",
datatype: "JSON",
data: { UserId: EditUser, name: name, email: email, country: country, mobilenum: mobilenum, password: password, exp: exp, funcarea: funcarea },
success: function (s) {
alert("Updated successfully");
and in my controller
public ActionResult EditUser(int id, string name, string email, string country, string mobilenumber, string password, string expierence, string functionalarea, string isactive)
int UserId = v.UpdateUsers(id, name, email, country, mobilenumber, password, expierence, functionalarea, isactive);
return Json(UserId, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
i think in ajax call i have made a mistake..any suggestions

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