
Jumplist recent items as a shortcut!

Ninad  Mhatre

Ninad Mhatre

Hi All,

I am working on .Net ( c#) since a month so i am very new to this!!

i have a application which does something depending upon the arguments passed, so when i add "jumplistLink" with command and arguments it works fine but if i remove any 1 entry it removes all the items :(. I figured out because all links call same program but with different argument!

Like if i have 3 links in recent items:
notepad.exe a.txt
notepad.exe b.txt
notepad.exe c.txt

if i remove "notepad.exe b.txt" then it will remove all the linked items.. is there any way around this??

second approach, i tried to call the shortcut from the jump list but it thorws error "The file type is not registered with this application." again i can not associate ".lnk" with my application as its a generic shortcut and used by all.

so i am back to where i started, argument passing works but removing 1 entry results in clearing the list & i can not add the "shortcuts" in the recent list