I am trying to Export to Excel in kendo grid unable to download the large number of records. Here it is my code please help me.
<script type="text/javascript"> for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { $("#searchValue").append("<option value='" + i + "'>" + i + "</option>") } $.each(["Week", "Month", "Year"], function (i, item) { $("#searchType").append("<option value='" + item + "'>" + item + "(s)</option>") }); var grid; function loadInteractionTable() { debugger; if (typeof grid !== 'undefined') { grid.data().kendoGrid.destroy(); grid.empty(); } grid = $("#interactionDetailsTable").kendoGrid({ toolbar: ["excel"], excel: { autoBind: false, fileName: "Interaction.xlsx", allPages: true, //proxyURL: '@Url.Action("Excel_Export_Save", "Interaction")', filterable: true }, dataSource: { transport: { read: { url: "/api/v1/Interaction/list/" + $("#searchType").val() + "/" + $("#searchValue").val(), dataType: "json" } }, schema: { model: { fields: { Timestamp: { type: "date"}, ApplicationName: { type: "string" }, UserName: { type: "string" }, UWA_ANALYTICS_USER_SESSION_DETAILS_Id: { type: "number" }, InteractionName: { type: "string" }, InteractionType: { type: "string" }, ServicesTouched: { type: "string" }, Source: { type: "string" }, SourceIdentifier: { type: "string" }, Destination: { type: "string" }, } } }, pageSize: 30, sort: { field: "Timestamp", dir: "desc" } }, selectable: false, pageable: { buttonCount: 5 }, height: window.screen.height, sortable: true, reorderable: true, groupable: true, resizable: true, filterable: true, columnMenu: true, pageable: { buttonCount: 5 }, sortable: true, //sort: { field: "Timestamp", dir: "desc" }, columns: [ { field: "Timestamp", title: "Time stamp", locked: true, width: 203, format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm tt}", filterable: { ui: "datetimepicker", dir: "desc" } }, { field: "ApplicationName", title: "Application Name", width: 200 }, { field: "UserName", title: "User Name", width: 200 }, { field: "UWA_ANALYTICS_USER_SESSION_DETAILS_Id ", title: "UWA_ANALYTICS_USER_SESSION_DETAILS_Id", width: 200 }, { field: "InteractionName", title: "Interaction Name", width: 200 }, { field: "InteractionType", title: "Interaction Type", width: 200 }, { field: "ServicesTouched", title: "Services Touched", width: 200 }, { field: "Source", title: "Source", width: 200 }, { field: "SourceIdentifier", title: "SourceIdentifier", width: 200 }, { field: "Destination", title: "Destination", width: 200 }, ] }); } loadInteractionTable(); $("#reload").click(function () { loadInteractionTable(); }); </script>