KeyPressed Event Crashes Application
Thanks in Advance for your help.
I am writing an application in VS.NET2003 C#. I have two classes in the application. A main app class with the following code.
namespace DataProcessing
/// Summary description for MainApp.
public class MainApp
public static void Main()
Form1 f1 = new Form1();
public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
#region Component Declarations
NotifyIcon myTrayIcon= new NotifyIcon();
ContextMenu myMenu= new ContextMenu();
MenuItem mItem1 = new MenuItem();
public Form1()
mItem1.Text = "Open";
mItem1.Click +=new EventHandler(mItem1_Click);
myTrayIcon.Text = "Medex Data Processor";
myTrayIcon.Icon = new System.Drawing.Icon("C:\\QB.ico");
myTrayIcon.Visible = true;
myTrayIcon.ContextMenu = myMenu;
// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
And of course the Form1 class directly above. In the constructor for the form class I have inserted a contextmenu and notifyIcon so the form can be made visible from the systemtray. I have also enabled a key capture on the form so when a user types "DEBUG" the form expands showing more functionality. The only problem is if you type DEBUG and then accidentally hit ENTER the application throws a NullReferenceException and brings up the error "Object is not set to the instance of and Object". I have tried catching the exception in the KeyPressed event on the form, but it doesn't seem to get there. I am wondering if I am running my application correctly from the separate class as above.