



Jun 5 2007 4:04 AM
[b]KNOCKS Solutions[/b] We, at KNOCKS, recognize the need for high-quality, customizable UI controls for developers and enterprise software teams working on Microsoft® Visual Studio™ development environment. We strive to be the premier provider of the widest range of tools and solutions for Microsoft® Windows, Web-based, and Mobile application developers, while contributing added value and benefits to our customers’ applications and solutions. [b]OUR VISION[/b] Software development never stops, and neither will we. Following design and development trends we will continue to grow and develop our products as well. Our components will be the cutting edge development tools adapting to the ever changing needs of our clients and the software development community. [b]OUR PRODUCTS[/b] [b]KNOCKS GUI solutions[/b] are powerful, easy to use, up-to-date, fast, and cost effective. Our components allow you to quickly create professional and authentic looking applications using the latest controls. You can include GUI controls like the ones found in Microsoft® Office™, Visual Studio™, Internet Explorer™ and Outlook™. You will have access to cool menus, intelligent menus, docking windows and many other controls. We realize that our components will be a key part of your mission-critical applications. We are therefore committed to rigorous testing to ensure quality and stability. [b]KNOCKS WinControls Suite[/b] is geared to meet all your UI requirements for WinForm applications. Packaged with innovative technologies and built with user-experience in mind, WinControls Suite gives you complete freedom to focus on the business logic while it takes care of the design. WinControls Suite includes powerful controls like [b]KNOCKS WinGrid[/b], an advanced and highly extensible Windows Forms grid control for your .NET applications. KNOCKS Grid can use any .NET control as cell viewer or editor and that has a real WYSIWYG editor for efficient and fast set up. You name the feature; it’s in this grid, including Outlook-style grouping, master/details views, pixel-perfect XP look, fixed rows and columns, insertion rows, summary rows, and much more. [b]KNOCKS Docking Manager[/b] allows VS.NET or Office styled docking windows control for your Windows Forms applications. This control helps you create a next-gen uncluttered yet flexible user interface. [b]KNOCKS WinGrouper[/b], a container group control with impressive visual capabilities, with the ability to expand and collapse the container area of the groupbox. Simulates the rich Office 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 look and feel. [b]KNOCKS OutlookBar[/b], the MS Outlook 2003 styled Navigation bar control. Using the extensive designer support and in-place editing of objects, display this brilliant navigation/shortcut bar to your application users. [b]KNOCKS Explorerbar[/b] simulates the WinXP Explorer look and feel. [b]KNOCKS TabControls[/b], a full set of features for a tab-metaphor user interface. It allows complete control over the tab and the supports Visual Studio like tabbed MDI child windows. [b]KNOCKS SpellChecker[/b] allows for checking the spelling of several controls including TextBoxes, RichTextBoxes. It can check the spelling as the end usertypes, and automatically correct commonly misspelled words. Misspelled words are underlined with the familiar red 'squiggly' line. [b]KNOCKS Combo[/b], package enriches the standard combo-box with standard entries like Fonts, Colors, and Time Zones etc. KNOCKS Inputs are standard textboxes for handling Numeric, Currency, Date Time, Calculator, IP Address inputs. [b]KNOCKS Alert Popup[/b], to instantly enable your Windows .NET applications with the popular MSN Instant Messenger and Outlook 2003 style popup alerts windows. [b]KNOCKS TaskSchedular[/b] enables you to create system tasks through its rich API. [b]KNOCKS PrintManager[/b] lets you print (with preview also) any control on your application or even the whole WinForm itself. It automatically adjusts pages for scrollable controls like grids, list boxes etc. [b]KNOCKS SuperToolTip[/b], an extended replacement for the standard .NET ToolTip object, providing a wealth of impressive features, including the ever popular Windows XP styled "Balloon ToolTip" style, imaging support, multiline and title. Explore SuperToolTip to get that rich Office 2007 look and feel today. Miscellaneous Controls, like [b]Shadower[/b] to drop shadows for all your controls for the Rich 3D effect, [b]RectTracker[/b] to move/resize your controls at runtime, Animations of standard operations like Move Files/ Empty Recycle Bin etc., [b]AttentionGrabber[/b] to capture user attention at a point on the client window. [b]Animations[/b] are inbuilt common Windows Animations like Copy/Move file, Search for File/ Computer, Recycle Bin operations. Plus you can specify your own animation to play. [b]Picturebox[/b] displays an image with extra properties like gradient background (with any angle between two colors). The image can be adjusted regarding its transparency, rotation and sizing. A small Overlay Image can be added at a specified position. An overlay text can be specified at any angle and position. A border of different styles and color can be added. [b]AnimatedPictureBox[/b] further extends the PictureBox by animating between different states, which all can be independent of each other. [b]KNOCKS[/b] provides the common controls you always wanted. Make anything appear off of a drop-down. Show progress text on top of a progress bar with a simple property. Easily Encrypt/Decrypt your data with a simple [b]Crypto[/b] component. These controls are chock full of functionality that you won’t find in the Microsoft controls, making it easier and more full-featured to build professional and compelling user interfaces with KNOCKS WinControls Suite. [b]KNOCKS WinShell Suite[/b] mimics all standard Windows Explorer features like Thumbnail, Group and Details/Report View, icons, context menus, drag drop, renaming, info tips and many others. WinShell Suite includes [b]ShellCombo, ShellTree and ShellExplorer[/b] components to create a standard Windows Explorer in minutes. Interfaces for creating [b]Quick Launch-like appbars[/b] with support for auto hide, drag-docking and multiple monitors. APIs to create, read and modify [b]shortcuts and internet shortcuts[/b]. The [b]KNOCKS Instrumentation library[/b] is a set of components built to display numeric values in a graphical manner. The components can be customized and combined to present many different kinds of appearances. You can build and control almost any kind of meters, dials, or gauges using these controls. All components can be simple drag-dropped onto a WinForm. You can set the various properties programmatically or in the designer it self and you are ready to go. Use mouse operations to change the values of meters, sliders etc. Components include: Sliders Thermometer Counter Compass Decibel Meter Analog Clock Digital Clock Circular Gauge Dial Digital LED Levels Light Matrix Meters Switches Odometer Oscilloscope Power Switch Rotary Slider Shape LED Slider Sliding Gauge Tank Toggle Switch Creating complex instrumentation applications was never so easy!!! [b]KNOCKS SQL-Sense[/b] works with [b]Microsoft Query Analyzer, SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, Visual Studio 2005[/b] and [b]Visual Studio .NET 2003[/b]. It simply sits behind the scenes and provides unobtrusive help when you press Ctrl-Space or when you type "." after a table/view/alias name. SQL-Sense is currently compatible with Microsoft Query Analyzer, SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio.NET 2003 sql editors. We hope to continually increase its vocabulary for recognizing SQL syntax in even more editors. Current Features include: Table/ Table Column/ View/ Function/ Stored Procedure/ Database name completion. Popup Suggestion after keywords like USE, WHERE, FROM, AND, OR etc. Insertion of commonly used (user defined) snippets. [b]KNOCKS Skinner[/b] helps build skinnable Window Forms application, like the ever popular WinAmp UI. All you need to do is to drop Skinner component on the form, and choose the skin. That’s it!!! All your forms and controls would be skinned. It comes with a huge collection of pre-built skins like Vista, Mac, Plex etc. to give your application a stand alone look. [b]KNOCKS VS2005 Addin[/b] is an "all-in-one" add-in that integrates with Visual Studio .NET 2005 and provides features to improve your productivity while coding and designing and debugging. It contains features like CodeExplorer and Design Explorers to easily browse to relevent sections in your code/design windows. DataObject Generator to quickly create Data/Business Object classes. DataSet, DataTable Quick Watch windows. Create and maintain notes directly in VS IDE window A personal clipboard to enhance the standard copy-paste functionality. Automatically insert code snippets into your code, much like auto-complete. Re-arrange your code elements easily. Review your code statically, and for comments saving productivity time. A one-click util to zip up your solution, project or the code file. We are committed to keep this software free for developer community, but we will always ensure high quality and keep adding in new features and improvements.

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