i have one object it containd Empdata.
var ob=from emp in dbcontext.employee.tolist();
how to perform search operation. means i am take one textbox . if i am enter any one of the text or character then it shows the relevent row.
Ename | department | Location | ------ |
Abcd | X | Q1 | |
Bcad | A | Q1 | |
PQR | Z | X2 | |
PQR | Z | Q3 | |
IF i am enter x then dispaly the follwong maaner
ENAME | depatrment | location | |
Abcd | X | Q1 | |
PQR | Z | X2 | |
| | | |
USING linq how to write .
condition : now my table contains only 3 filed but in future my table contain 100 fields then how to perform custom search for all fields.
please help me