
Load report failed crystal report

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I have a web application and my crystal report is on root folder httpDocs
and on my aspx page 
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="CrystalReportViewer1" runat="server" 
        AutoDataBind="True" GroupTreeImagesFolderUrl="" Height="2002px" BestFitPage="False"  
        ReportSourceID="CrystalReportSource1" ToolbarImagesFolderUrl="" 
        ToolPanelWidth="200px" Width="2776px" />
    <CR:CrystalReportSource ID="CrystalReportSource1" runat="server">
        <Report FileName="partner.rpt">

but i am getting error when going live 
error is load Report faild ...

any one can assist

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