I'm pretty new in using XML, can someone help me find a way to load data from an XML file to a hashtable. I need it in a hashtable because i need to have a key value pair. The reason i also have two items per value is i need to do a rotation everythime a user goes to my site it will rotate the image. I've never done this before and not sure if it's possible. I'm using asp.net in C#
I also can't use the .net adrotator because I don't want the image to change when the user refreshes the page that's why I choose to do the hash table. That way i can set it so that when the user is inside cake.aspx, i can grab the data from the hashtable that belongs under the items that have the "cake" value.
located inside App_Data(cake.xml)
<items value="cake">
<items value="donut">
code is located inside the App_Code (cakerotate.cs)
public static void CakeRotate()
XMLDocument objGetCake = new XMLDocument();
if (null != objGetCake)
XMLNode objNode = (XmlNodeList objList in objGetCake)
//this is where I get stuck because I'm not sure how to load the XML Data inside the HashTable.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance