Losing hair over TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider Decryption
I am finally at a loss. I have searched these forums and found many good suggestions, but can't find the fix to my problem. I'll do the best I can to be organized about this.
I am simply trying to learn to use the Cryptography service in VS2008. In the process, I wrote a small utility that would encrypt multiple information types (plain text, rich text, images, files, clipboard data, etc.). I do fine when it comes to encrypting the data (symmetrical). I have even been successful in salting it with a hashed passphrase. When it comes to decrypting -- another story.
I have uploaded both my encryption project, and my "utility." Can someone help me understand why I only get jibberish back when I decrypt.
**Important Note**
In order to watch the decryption, you will want to copy the encrypted string to your clipboard, then double-click the background of the "ExeTest" main window. That will bring up a decryption window.
**Important Note 2**
I realize it isn't the brightest thing to do to include the IV in your encrypted string. But, I couldn't figure out how to make a symmetrical encryption work without it. Please be kind to me, I'm only now getting into cryptography.