I m trying to do a
control .dll to add it to the toolbox and that means that i dont want
to write any code in .aspx page, the problem is that the mask dont
understand that it must mask the inheited textbox my teacher said to me
that i must put it in container and there is child control but i dont
understand how
we must put it in container and use preRender if there is any help
i attached my code: here
under name
AjaxServerControl5 - Copy.rar
or here is it:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace MariamTextBox
public class MyTextBox :TextBox
private Masks masks = Masks.None;
private AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditExtender mask = new AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditExtender();
TextBox TextBox1 =new TextBox();
//public AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditExtender Mask
// get
// {
// return this.mask;
// }
public Masks masktype
get { return this.masks; }
set { this.masks = value;
switch (this.masks)
case Masks.Date:
this.mask.TargetControlID = "TextBox1";
this.mask.Mask = Common.Common.DATE_TYPE;
this.mask.MaskType = AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditType.Date;
this.mask.OnFocusCssClass = Common.Common.ONFOCUSS_TYPE;
this.mask.OnInvalidCssClass = Common.Common.ONINVALID_TYPE;
this.mask.ErrorTooltipEnabled = true;
this.mask.MessageValidatorTip = true;
case Masks.Numeric:
this.mask.TargetControlID = "TextBox1";
this.mask.Mask = Common.Common.NUMERIC_TYPE;
this.mask.MaskType = AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditType.Date;
this.mask.OnFocusCssClass = Common.Common.ONFOCUSS_TYPE;
this.mask.OnInvalidCssClass = Common.Common.ONINVALID_TYPE;
this.mask.ErrorTooltipEnabled = true;
this.mask.MessageValidatorTip = true;
case Masks.Time:
this.mask.TargetControlID = "TextBox1";
this.mask.Mask = Common.Common.DATE_TYPE;
this.mask.MaskType = AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditType.Date;
this.mask.OnFocusCssClass = Common.Common.ONFOCUSS_TYPE;
this.mask.OnInvalidCssClass = Common.Common.ONINVALID_TYPE;
this.mask.ErrorTooltipEnabled = true;
this.mask.MessageValidatorTip = true;
this.mask.TargetControlID = "";
this.mask.MaskType = AjaxControlToolkit.MaskedEditType.None;
this.mask.Mask = "";
the Common.resxDATE_TYPE 99:99:99
NUMERIC_TYPE 99/99/9999
TIME_TYPE 99/99/9999
the enum.cs namespace MariamTextBox
public enum Masks { Numeric, Time, Date, None }
Thanx a lot