I am having trouble getting three different group boxes with check boxes to bring back the data into a data grid. i need it to get all the items checked and bring back the data in the window.
What i have so far work one at a time but it will not give me all three only the last checked. i have done this for the three group boxes Carriers, Priority and Cooler
private void CheckBox(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var child = new GroupBox();
List<string> currentlyCheckedCheckBox = new List<string>();
List<string> currentlyUnCheckedCheckBox = new List<string>();
foreach (var child in cbCarriers.Children)
if (child.GetType() == typeof(CheckBox))
Checking for IsChecked
CheckBox currentCheckBox = (CheckBox)child;
if ((bool)currentCheckBox.IsChecked)
if ((bool)currentCheckBox.IsChecked == false)
return myMain.dtOrders;
if (currentlyCheckedCheckBox.Count == 0)
currentlyCheckedCheckBox = currentlyUnCheckedCheckBox;
List<Order> checkedOrders = new List<Order>();
foreach (var item in db.Orders)
foreach (var checkboxName in currentlyCheckedCheckBox)
if (item.ShipVia.Trim() == checkboxName)
grdOrders.ItemsSource = checkedOrders;