I can get all information about Regions with all countries with but I would like to know if is possible with one query get also the list of CountryAlias for each country for each region. Actually what I do is this:
- private const string GetAllForSiteWithoutCountriesSQL = @"SELECT * FROM Regions WHERE ChannelID = @channelID";
- private const string GetAllForSiteWithCountriesSQL = @"SELECT c.*, rc.RegionID FROM Regions r JOIN RegionCountries rc ON rc.RegionID = r.RegionID JOIN Countries c ON (rc.CountryID = c.CountryID AND c.IsSecondary = 0) WHERE r.ChannelID = @channelID";
- public async Task<IEnumerable<Region>> GetAllAsync(int channelID, bool includeCountries = true)
- {
- var regions = await Database.QueryAsync<Region> GetAllForSiteWithoutCountriesSQL, new { channelID });
- var regionMap = regions.ToDictionary(r => r.RegionID);
- if (includeCountries)
- {
- await Database.QueryAsync<Country, int, Country>(
- GetAllForSiteWithCountriesSQL,
- (country, regionID) =>
- {
- regionMap[regionID].Countries.Add(country);
- return country;
- }, new { channelID }, splitOn: "RegionID");
- }
- return regions;
- }
I also found a good explanation here:-
but I don't understand how to use it in my case, because I have also the Group class. How should I do this with Dapper, is it possible or the only way is to do different steps? Thanks