
Mindcracker web site

Sam Hobbs

Sam Hobbs

I forget if I have created a membership for Mindcracker. I am not sure if I need to or if my C# Corner membership is valid for there too. Regardless, I cannot login using my membership from here and I cannot create register.

When I click on the "Login" button in mindcracker.com I see the login box flash across and then disappear. I cannot find a way to get in.

I wanted to comment on Kamal Rawat's article "C++11 feature - automatic type detection and decltype" but I have been unable to.

Update: I managed to register. I made a comment, eventhough I knew it would not work. I did get a login page that way and instead of trying to login I registered and I was then able to register.

I know that most of the eggs are going into the new web site software and then the web site will do everything, even fetch our beer but there is a lot of good stuff in the mindcracker.com site that I think many of us are missing.
Answers (3)