
modify the xml field data's using c#

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Hi I have done aprogram in c# such that , my program reads a schema file and automatically loads data into a xml file. ex: consider the following schema We can see that there are three fields namely billto_name, dividend and section. so my program reads this schema file and loads data automatically by obtaining the following xml file Castle Hampers0 4.5
Castle Hampers1 5.5
Castle Hampers2 6.5
Castle Hampers3 7.5
Castle Hampers4 8.5
we can see the values Now my requirement is that I have another xml file with a single field name "billto_name". with some meaningful values. So I have to program such that if the schema contains a "billto_name" field then load those data's into the result xml. ACCOUNTS CODES ONLY ACCOUNTS CODES ONLY AERIAL PRODUCT RANGE AFL LICENCED PRODUCT AUST RUGBY UNION so the values such as AUST RUGBY UNION , AFL LICENCED PRODUCT EVERYTHING SHOUYLD BE INSERTED INTO THE PREVIOUS XML FILE FOR THAT FIELD ALONE. This is my requirement. I tried a lot but i couldnt suceed Here is my part of the coding. pls help me out to do this. private void button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { dataSet1.ReadXmlSchema(txtSchema.Text); foreach (DataTable dTbl in dataSet1.Tables) { for(int j = 0; j <= 11; j++) { object[] oValues = new object[dTbl.Columns.Count]; int i = 0; string fileName = "C:\\CDEV\\testdatagenerator\\billtoname.xml"; XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader(fileName); foreach (DataColumn dColmn in dTbl.Columns) { try { xtr = new XmlTextReader("C:\\CDEV\\testdatagenerator\\billtoname.xml"); while(xtr.Read()) { switch (xtr.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: if((xtr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (xtr.Name == "billto_name") ) { oValues[i] = xtr.Value; } break; } } } finally { if (xtr != null) { xtr.Close(); } } switch(dColmn.DataType.ToString()) { case "System.String": oValues[i] = (string) "sachin" + j; break; case "System.Int32": oValues[i] = (int) 100 + j; break; case "System.DateTime": oValues[i] = new DateTime(2004,01,30).AddDays(j * 1); break; case "System.Decimal": oValues[i] = new Decimal(10000900.99) + j; break; case "System.Int16": oValues[i] = (short) 32767 - j; break; case "System.Int64": oValues[i] = (long) 400 - j; break; case "System.Double": oValues[i] = (double) 888888 - j; break; case "System.Single": oValues[i] = (float) 4.5f + j; break; } } i = i+1; dTbl.Rows.Add(oValues); } } } private void button3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { dataSet1.WriteXml(txtXml.Text,XmlWriteMode.IgnoreSchema ); MessageBox.Show("Saved"); } Hope anyone will help me . santhosh