
MonthCalendar component for .Net Platform




Hi Everybody.

I'm developing a dentist program in C#.Net, but I have a few requirements for my monthCalender component. I've tried monthcalender from dotnetbar and System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar, but they don't support the functions I need.

The functions I require for my calendar are, weeknumber selection and day selection.

What I mean with weeknumber selection is, when I select a given weeknumber, the calendar should be able to select the days that are in the given weeknumber. Example I select week 1, it should select the first 5 days in the week (mon - fri).

With day selection I want the calendar to be able to select the given days in the month. Example I select monday in January. Then I would like to retrieve all mondays in the given month.

Is anyone of u familiar with such monthcalendar that can satisfy my requirements? Or do u have an alternative solution?

Hope u can understand my problem.

Best regards
