
MS Chart Help

Anthony  Pelaez

Anthony Pelaez

I am working with MSChart. I took the example code off of Patric Johansson tutorial about MSChart and trying to make mine do the same thing. Here is a piece of his code:

axMSChart.ChartData = new Object[5, 4] {
                {null,     "Computer A","ComputerB", "Computer C"},
                {"10:00 AM", 123131,      242142,      254353},
                {"10:01 AM", 113121,      171345,      205432},
                {"10:02 AM", 126323,      281876,      269743},
                {"10:03 AM", 199833,      242122,      283445}};


What I want to do is get my arrays in the above format.
My results from the array will be (these are examples)
12-Jul-2007,  10:00 am,  HGB, 10.5
12-Jul-2007,  10:00 am,  HCT, 31.0
12-Jul-2007,  11:00 am,  HGB, 12.0
12-Jul-2007,  11:00 am,  HCT, 36.0
13-Jul-2007,  12:00 am,  HGB, 12.5
13-Jul-2007,  12:00 am,  HCT, 37.0
15-Aug-2007, 11:15 am, HGB, 14.0
15-Aug-2007, 11:15 am, HCT, 42.1

...and so on. They can have different dates, times and results.

I want it to look like:

{null, "HGB","HCT"},
{12-Jul-2007, "10:00 AM", "10.5", "31.0"},
{12-Jul-2007, "11:00 AM", "12.0", "36.0"},
{13-Jul-2007, "12:00 AM", "12.5", "37.0"},
{15-Jul-2007, "11:15 AM", "14.0", "42.1"}};

What I am trying to achieve is a 3d bar chart with the date and time on the X-Axis, the result on the Y-Axis and the tests, HGB and HCT on the Z-Axis. I can't get it to work.  What happens now is:

Each test (hgb and hct) show up on a separate column with the date/time on the X-axis and the result shows up on the Y-Axis. I can't get a Z-Axis with the two tests on it.

My piece of code is below..

 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
    "Select Count(*) " +
    "From LabDB " +
    "Where l.name in ('HGB', 'HCT') ",conn);

 int arraySize = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

 cmd.CommandText = "Select l.date as resultDate, " +
                           l.time as resultTime, " +
            itemname = case " +
            "when l.name = 'HGB' " +                             
                "then 'Hemoglobin' " +

            "when l.name = 'HCT' " +
                "then 'Hematocrit' " +
            "end, " +                                     
            "l.value as result " +
            "From LabDB " +
                    "Where l.name in ('HGB', 'HCT') ",conn);
            "Order by l.resultDate desc, itemname ";

SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

string [,] ptInfo = new string [arraySize, 4];
int i = 0;

if ( null != dr )
  while (dr.Read() & i < arraySize)
    ptInfo[i, 0] = dr["itemname"].ToString();
    ptInfo[i, 1] = dr["resultDate"].ToString();
    ptInfo[i, 2] = dr["resultTime"].ToString();
    ptInfo[i, 3] = dr["result"].ToString();

    axMSChart1.ChartData = ptInfo;
    i += 1;
Can anyone help?
