Multiple SQL connection strings
I have a winforms application & depending on the user selection
regarding SQL authentication there are 2 possible connection strings :-
using (var con = new SqlConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0};
database={1}; Integrated Security=True", Sql_ServerName,
- using (var con = new
SqlConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0}; database={1}; User id={2};
Password={3};", Sql_ServerName, Sql_DataBaseName,
txt_SqlAuth_UserName.Text, txt_SqlAuth_Password.Text)))
First one
is for windows authentication with the second being a facility for
entering a specific username/password for the SQL server (sa for
Apart from these con strings the remainder of the code
is the same. How can I do an IF/THEN type statement depending on which
selection the user has made??
I have attempted an IF/THEN & also declaring the var con in the variables block, both without success.
Any tips, pointer etc?