
My teacher said that i am missing i hould sort the array once the data is entered what does that mean?

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Jenni Witzel

Jenni Witzel

Here is how you should sort the array once the data is entered and has been printed out once. The only reason we are sorting the array is to make finding the largest and smallest elements easier to do.


Once the arrary is sorted, the largest value will be in the last position of the array (subscript value of 11) and the smallest element will be in the first position (subscript value of 0).

Here is how you can print the largest element:
SC.WriteLine("largest value entered is{0}", myList[11]);

Here is how you can print the smallest element:
SC.WriteLine("smallest value entered is{0}", myList[0]);

using System;

using SC = System.Console;

public class NLastLab8
{ //Main Method

    public static void Main()

        int[] myListArray = new int[12];

        myListArray[0] = myListArray[1] = 1;

        SC.WriteLine("Lab 8 – Your Name\n");

        for (int x = 0; x < 12; ++x)

            SC.Write("Please enter a value for element {0} -->\t", x);

            myListArray[x] = Convert.ToInt32(SC.ReadLine());


                SC.WriteLine("\n\nThe last value entered was: " + myListArray[myListArray.Length - 1]);


                SC.WriteLine("The values entered were: ");

                for (int i = myListArray.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)



                SC.WriteLine("The values entered were: ");

                for (int i = 0; i < myListArray.Length; i++)



        SC.WriteLine("\nLab 8 has successfully terminated for Your Name");




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