Hello everyone,
I have Listview with checkboxes.
After loaded listview, and check checkbox item then click on above button and want show a another window.xaml page like popup.
After showing this poppup, then fill textbox again click on 'Save' button. Then I want to the remove listview checked items. How can I do this programmatically? I have tried...
Inside 1st class, I have get checked item's id and documentname (these are the stored procedure parameters)
- private void Img_ArchiveSe_MouseLeftButtonDown1(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- foreach (DocumentsUser item in listView1.SelectedItems)
- {
- UserIdArc.Add(item.UserId.ToString());
- ImgNameArc.Add(item.Parent_File_Name);
- }
- AddArchiveNamexaml SP = new AddArchiveNamexaml();
- SP.ShowDialog();
- }
- public static ObservableCollection<string> ImgNameArc = new ObservableCollection<string>();
- public static ObservableCollection<string> UserIdArc = new ObservableCollection<string>();
Then, 2nd class (ie; code behind of popup window.xaml) insted Save button click event, I have get list of items (List data = service.GetUserDocumentsArc(objUserIdArc, objImgNameArc); ) and want to bind listview from 1st class.
- private void btnAddUser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- DMSBusinessLayer service = new DMSBusinessLayer();
- string objImgNameArc = string.Join(",", UC_FileMgmt.ImgNameArc.ToArray());
- string objUserIdArc = string.Join(",", UC_FileMgmt.UserIdArc.ToArray());
- List data = service.GetUserDocumentsArc(objUserIdArc, objImgNameArc);
- }
I have done, is this correct or not ? Please advice me.