Need help with combining 2 datasets of information
Hi there, I have a question that I need to ask. I'm trying to do a search through 2 different tables in my database:
1. Content table (contains all the dynamic information that can be managed from an admin console).
2. Product table (contains information of all products stored in the database).
I need to do a keyword search into each table and at the end of it, display it in a gridview. The only challenge is that I do not know how to combine 2 datasets into 1. I have a sample code that I copied and pasted below:
private void RetrieveSearchResults ( string [ ] keywords )
_sql = "Select p.ProductID As 'ID', p.ProductName As 'LinkContent', 'product_details.aspx?id=' As 'contentUrl', ";
_sql += "p.FeaturesContent As 'Content' From tblproduct p, tblprofile pr Where p.ProfileID = pr.ProfileID ";
int i = 0;
foreach ( string keyword in keywords )
if ( i == 0 )
_sql += " And p.FeaturesContent Like '%" + keyword + "%' Or p.ProductName Like '%" + keyword + "%'";
_sql += " Or p.FeaturesContent Like '%" + keyword + "%' Or p.ProductName Like '%" + keyword + "%'";
_sql += " Group By p.ProductID";
_connection = new MySqlConnection ( _connectionString );
_adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter ( _sql, _connection );
dsResults = new DataSet ( );
_adapter.Fill ( dsResults );
// Retrieve all content results
_sql = "Select contentCode As 'ID', contentTitle As 'LinkContent', 'whatsnew_details.aspx?code=' As 'contentUrl', contentBody As 'Content' From tblcontent Where 1 = 1 ";
i = 0;
foreach ( string keyword in keywords )
if ( i == 0 )
_sql += " And (contentTitle Like '%" + keyword + "%' Or contentBody Like '%" + keyword + "%')";
_sql += " Or (contentBody Like '%" + keyword + "%' Or contentBody Like '%" + keyword + "%')";
_adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter ( _sql, _connection );
_adapter.Fill ( dsResults );
gvSearchResults.DataSource = dsResults;
gvSearchResults.DataBind ( );