Need small help in NFC app for Windows Phone
i m working on windows phone 8 api NFC .
pls help me below code
this code is working fine
NdefUriRecord rec = new NdefUriRecord { Uri = "" };
NdefMessage msg = new NdefMessage { rec };
_device.PublishBinaryMessage("NDEF", msg.ToByteArray().AsBuffer(), MessageWrittenHandler);
LogStatusMessage("Publishing message ...");
but simler to this code not working and not showing any exe.. also
NdefUriRecord rec = new NdefUriRecord { Uri = "nfcshare:Hello+world" };
NdefMessage msg = new NdefMessage { rec };
_device.PublishBinaryMessage("NDEF:WriteTag", msg.ToByteArray().AsBuffer(), MessageWrittenHandler);
LogStatusMessage("Publishing message ...");
i m using hare WriteTag feature ,both sample syntax is almost same.but second sample of code is not working .
i need your help for second sample syntax . where i missed ..