.NET 2008 app connect to database
I am trying to understand how a connection string obtains its value in a C#.net 2008 application. By stepping through code,
I found that a connection string obtained its value from the following line of code:
RemotingConfiguration.Configure("Useall.Desktop.exe.config", false);
By doing a search on the .net application, I found the Useall.Desktop.exe.config file in the bin/debug folder of the application.
Thus I am wondering if the connection string information is initally obtained from the Useall.Desktop.exe.config file or would it obtain its inital values from an app.debug.config file?
Would you explain the .net remoting and configuration manager interdependency to me? If they are separate items, could you explain that to me? If not, would you point me to a reference to look up this issue?