no.of records in detail section per page
In my report i am grouping the columns in below order
under group header 3 i displayed some information and headings(titles). in details section i placed database fields corresponding to titles. and in group footer 3 i am placing a line indicating separation for the data for each city.
when i run a report the if there are more number of records under details section for a particular city, they are coming in next page.
the user want to show whole group along with country to details part under single page if not they want me to move into next page.
Problem here is if i select "New page After or New page Before" option for group header3 and details section data for each city is displayed separately in new page even though the data for some of cities can fit in a single page(for cities having single or 2 records in details section can be shown under same page).
Please suggest me any idea.