
Not able to execute this program

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// Program gets a quanity ordered from user
// then determines price and discount based on quantity
// price per item before discounts is $6.00
// order 15 or more, get a 20% discount
// order 10 to 14 - get a 14% discount
// order 5 to 9, get a 10% discount
using System;
class DebugSeven3
   static void Main()
      int quantity;
      double price;
      quantity = GetQuantity();
      price = CalculatePrice(quantity);
      Console.WriteLine("Final price for {0} items is {1}.",
        quantity, price.ToString("c"));
   private static GetQuantity()
      int quan;
      Console.Write("Enter number of items >> ");
      quan = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
   private CalculatePrice(int quantityOrdered)
       double PRICE_PER_ITEM = 6.00;
       double price = 0;
       double discount = 0;
       int[] quanLimits = {0, 5, 10, 15;
       double[] limits = {0, 0.10, 0.14, 0.20;
       for(int x = limits.Length - 1; x >= 0; --x)
          if(quantityOrdered >= limits[x])
              discount = limits[x];
              x = 0;
       price = quantityOrdered * PRICE_PER_ITEM;
       price = price - price * discount;
       return price;
pleace help in executing program
Answers (4)