
NP91 Clone() method




Hi Guys


NP91 Clone() method


Following program is producing same result even if following codes are commented out. What is the significant of the codes. 


copyPtDesc.petName = this.desc.petName;

copyPtDesc.creationDate = this.desc.creationDate;


Anyone knows please explain the reason.


Thank you


using System;


namespace ObjClone


   #region The point description type

   // This class describes a point.

   public class PointDesc


      // Public for easy access.

      public string petName;

      public DateTime creationDate;


      public PointDesc(string petName)


         this.petName = petName;


         // Inject a time lag to get different times.


         creationDate = DateTime.Now;



      public string CreationTime()


         // Return a string with date/time information.

         return creationDate.ToString();





   #region Cloneable point type

   // The Point class supports deep copy semantics ala ICloneable.

   public class Point : ICloneable


      // State data.

      public int x, y;

      public PointDesc desc;


      // Ctors.

      public Point() { }


      public Point(int x, int y, string petname)


         this.x = x;

         this.y = y;

         desc = new PointDesc(petname);



      // The sole method of ICloneable.

      public object Clone()


         // return this.MemberwiseClone();


         // Now we need to adjust for the PointDesc type.

         Point copyPt = new Point();

         copyPt.x = this.x;

         copyPt.y = this.y;


         PointDesc copyPtDesc = new PointDesc(this.desc.petName);

         copyPtDesc.petName = this.desc.petName;

         copyPtDesc.creationDate = this.desc.creationDate;


         copyPt.desc = copyPtDesc;

         return copyPt;




      // Override Object.ToString().

      public override string ToString()


         return "X: " + x + " Y: " + y +

            " PetName: " + desc.petName +

            " Time of creation: " + desc.CreationTime();





   public class CloneApp


      public static int Main(string[] args)


         // Two references to same object!

         Console.WriteLine("***** Assigning points *****");

         Point p1 = new Point(50, 50, "Fred");

         Point p2 = p1;

         p2.x = 0;


         // Print each obj.

         Console.WriteLine("p1 is {0}", p1);

         Console.WriteLine("p2 is {0}\n", p2);


         // Now Clone object.

         Console.WriteLine("***** Cloning p3 and holding in p4 *****");

         Point p3 = new Point(100, 100, "Jane");

         Point p4 = (Point)p3.Clone();


         Console.WriteLine("-> Before pet name modification");

         Console.WriteLine("p3: {0}", p3);

         Console.WriteLine("p4: {0}", p4);


         p4.desc.petName = "XXXXX";


         Console.WriteLine("\n-> After pet name modification");

         Console.WriteLine("p3: {0}", p3);

         Console.WriteLine("p4: {0}\n", p4);

         return 0;





***** Assigning points *****

p1 is X: 0 Y: 50 PetName: Fred Time of creation: 3/27/2008 1:34:12 PM

p2 is X: 0 Y: 50 PetName: Fred Time of creation: 3/27/2008 1:34:12 PM


***** Cloning p3 and holding in p4 *****

-> Before pet name modification

p3: X: 100 Y: 100 PetName: Jane Time of creation: 3/27/2008 1:34:14 PM

p4: X: 100 Y: 100 PetName: Jane Time of creation: 3/27/2008 1:34:14 PM


-> After pet name modification

p3: X: 100 Y: 100 PetName: Jane Time of creation: 3/27/2008 1:34:14 PM

p4: X: 100 Y: 100 PetName: XXXXX Time of creation: 3/27/2008 1:34:14 PM



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