
NP87 foreach

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Hi Guys


NP87 foreach


foreach is used when checks size of the array. In this program it is used without array. Anyone knows please explain the reason.


Cars carLot = new Cars();


foreach (Car c in carLot)





Thank you



using System;

using System.Collections;


namespace ObjEnum


   public class Car


      // Internal state data.

      private int currSpeed;

      private int maxSpeed;

      private string petName;


      // Is the car alive or dead?

      bool carIsDead;


      // A car has-a radio.

      private Radio theMusicBox = new Radio();


      public Car()


         maxSpeed = 100;



      public Car(string name, int max, int curr)


         currSpeed = curr;

         maxSpeed = max;

         petName = name;



      public void CrankTunes(bool state)


         // Tell the radio play (or not).

         // Delegate request to inner object.




      public void SpeedUp(int delta)


         // If the car is dead, just say so...

         if (carIsDead)


            Console.WriteLine("{0} is out of order....", petName);


         else     // Not dead, speed up.


            currSpeed += delta;

            if (currSpeed >= maxSpeed)


               Console.WriteLine("{0} has overheated...", petName);

               carIsDead = true;



               Console.WriteLine("\tCurrSpeed = {0}", currSpeed);




      // Properties.

      public string PetName


         get { return petName; }

         set { petName = value; }


      public int CurrSpeed


         get { return currSpeed; }

         set { currSpeed = value; }


      public int MaxSpeed


         get { return maxSpeed; }

         set { maxSpeed = value; }




   // No pun intended!

   public class CarDriver


      public static void Main()


         Cars carLot = new Cars();


         Console.WriteLine("***** Here are the cars in your lot *****");

         foreach (Car c in carLot)


            Console.WriteLine("-> Name: {0}", c.PetName);

            Console.WriteLine("-> Max speed: {0}", c.MaxSpeed);




         #region Working with raw IEnumerator


                  // Now ala IEnumerator

                  IEnumerator itfEnum;

                  itfEnum = (IEnumerator)carLot;


                  // Reset the cursor to the beginning.



                  // Advance internal cursor by 1.



                  // Cast to a Car and crank some tunes.

                  object curCar = itfEnum.Current;







   public class Cars : IEnumerable // , IEnumerator


      // This class maintains an array of cars.

      private Car[] carArray;


      // Current position in array.

      // int pos = -1;


      public Cars()


         carArray = new Car[4];

         carArray[0] = new Car("FeeFee", 200, 0);

         carArray[1] = new Car("Clunker", 90, 0);

         carArray[2] = new Car("Zippy", 30, 0);

         carArray[3] = new Car("Fred", 30, 0);



      #region Raw IEnumerator impl


            // Implementation of IEnumerator.

            public bool MoveNext()


                  if(pos < carArray.Length)



                        return true;



                        return false;


            public void Reset()


                  pos = 0;


            public object Current


                  get { return carArray[pos]; }





      // This must be present in order to let the foreach

      // expression to iterate over our array.

      // IEnumerable implemtation.

      public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()


         // return (IEnumerator)this;


         // Now just get back the IEnumerator from

         // the internal array!

         return carArray.GetEnumerator();




   public class Radio


      public void TurnOn(bool on)


         if (on)



            Console.WriteLine("Quiet time...");





***** Here are the cars in your lot *****

-> Name: FeeFee

-> Max speed: 200


-> Name: Clunker

-> Max speed: 90


-> Name: Zippy

-> Max speed: 30


-> Name: Fred

-> Max speed: 30




Answers (12)