
NP75 Query about path




Hi Guys


NP75   Query about path


In a book under a following heading a path is given. I wish to know whether it is a correct path. Because the only possible path available in my computer is:


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Bin>


But this is not producing desired result for al -? Query.


Anyone knows please explain.


Thank you


Configuring Additional .NET Command Line Tools


Now, before we begin to investigate manipulating csc.exe, add the following additional Path variable to the System Variables list box (again, performing a sanity check to ensure path settings):


<drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\FrameworkSDK\Bin


As you will see later in this text, this path contains additional command line tools

(such as sn.exe, al.exe, wsdl.exe and so forth) that are commonly used during .NET

development. With these two path settings established, you should now be able to run any .NET utility directly from the command line. If you wish to confirm this new

setting, close any open command window, open a new command window and enter

the following command to view the flags for the assembly linker utility, al.exe:


al -?


Answers (2)