Number of google results in numericupdown
I want to search the web pages by choosing keyword and from a numericupdown the same as in the picture shown.
Let's say i record number in numericupdown box 5 and that would give only 5 pages and then stop search results
in listbox and then back to page 0 OR 1 and of course check if there are no pages left.
How do I do that ?
I want to add to this code if who knows how to do that or to another what you can suggest ?
Dim wc As New WebClient
Dim source As String = wc.DownloadString("" + TextBox1.Text)
Dim m1 As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(source, "http(s?)://([\w]+\.){0}([\w]+\.?)+", RegexOptions.Singleline Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)
For Each m As Match In m1
If Not m.Value.Contains("google") Then
Dim value As String = m.Groups(0).Value
ListBox1.Items.Add(value & vbCrLf)
Label1.Text = ListBox1.Items.Count
End If