
Pass Total Value From Main To Sub Crystal Reports

mahesh waghela

mahesh waghela

The Crystal Reports Design by DataSet(ADO.NET)
There is no Datatype on Datatable of Dataset(UI) hence I think The Crystal Reports Should
consider the all Columns DataType as a string/Text. If So than what is the actual
solution?. Is it true?.
I am facing strange problem:
MyTable scenario is :
Table Name: ProfitLoss
 Field           Datatype

Openstock       decimal
I am trying to pass Formula Field From main to Sub reports and typed the following code at editor pane of reports:
Main Reports
Formula Fields Working is AS Below:
The Following code is in Formula Field Name is op
The Following code is in Formula Field Name is op1
The Following code is in Formula Field Name is op2
Shared NumberVar mytotal:= {@op1}
Sub Reports:
Formula Fields Working is AS Below:
The Following code is in Formula Field Name is mm1
The Following code is in Formula Field Name is mm2
The Following code is in Formula Field Name is mm
Shared NumberVar mytotal;
The Following code is in Formula Field Name is TT
It's shows SUB-Reports's Total Only. It's not calculating main form total…..
In Short Main Report's Total not returning or consider. In this case what is the solution?.