
passing row & column header value while clicking on gridlink

Vaishali A

Vaishali A


I have a gridview like:

Circle              Criticality                  STM1             STM4             STM16

AP                   A                                 0                      3                      0

AP                   B                                 1                      0                      0

BH                   A                                0                      0                      0

BH                   B                                2                      0                      0


Gridview columns are autogenerated. No template fields are being used.

This output can change like in places of zeros there can be positive digits and vice versa. Positive digits are provided with hyperlinks. Clicking on 3 will redirect to another page with details of 3 cases and likewise. Want to pass the respective circle,criticality and stm(header) values to that page. Any help??? Hyperlinks are provided using loops.