
people picker control in Editform.Aspx

saidi reddy

saidi reddy

Hi Team,
in a sharepoint list, i am using custom columns in newform.aspx and editform.aspx.
Custom columns means i recreated(using c# code) all columns and using them instead of default columns in new and edit form.in that, one column is people picker control.i am able to save the data. But, in Editfrom.aspx page, when i try to edit a column people picker control is blank.
 plz help me how can i show it in editform.aspx.
Below code snippet i used for creating control using c#. 
  1. <SharePoint:PeopleEditor ID="BusinessSPOC" runat="server" Width="250px" Style="padding: 5px;"  
  2.                 BorderColor="#e8e8e8" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid"  AllowEmpty="false" ErrorMessage="Please Enter a User" ValidatorEnabled="true">  
  3.             </SharePoint:PeopleEditor>  
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